14 September 2017


Do you have REGRETS in your life? If given a chance to turn back time, would you grab that chance?

We all have different experiences in life that we might have said how I wish it was like this. Thinking about the memories of that moment makes us felt regret sometimes. Isn't it? 

Looking at the bright side of our life, we have so much to thank for. Waking up each day is a gift that we should be thankful to God. What you have that others don't have is something you should be thankful. Take time to look around, you can say you have plenty. When you feel that, whisper "THANK YOU LORD FOR THE GIFT OF LIFE". 

You might not have a lover or a goal not yet achieved, knowing that you are there where you are right now, that means you're alive and focused. This is LIFE, it is an adventure that every memories that we've been through and we are about to face is an exciting piece of life. We fall, we fight, we grow. We become strong and humble. 

Everything happens for a reason, we should not regret any of our downs in life. It happened and we should be thankful because if it isn't for that then you are not there where you are right now ^_^

Take a pause, close your eyes and say THANK YOU ~

I hope you had a good time reading my post ~ cheers and cheer up ;)

09 September 2017


For my first update lemme write for the word "DECISION". Uhm~uhm~ because it was a tough day today haha LOLz :))

From time to time we decide what we will do (today, tomorrow, next day) and what we want to do (now and later). Often, we get confuse what we really want to do.

Lemme ask you haha :)) What do you want in life (love life ~ okay included LOLz)? How do you view your life 3, 5, 7 years from now? Finally, what are you doing now?

There you go! you have your answer =P

Will you choose to cheat with your decision by your REASONS or will you put your decision in your shoulder to be your responsibility?

OR will you choose me? LOL XD <--- this question not included :))

I hope you had a good time reading my short post ~ cheers :)


Uhm~ I know that it has been quite a while that I have not updated my blog but really I missed it a lot. I was trying to remember the password that I made ~

Like (l..o..a..d..i..n..g........ and boom! NO WAY signed in! Wuuuutt?..) well, anyway that feeling. LOL 100%

A friend reminded me to dig this blog up and there TADA! Alive again.. LOL.
Thanks btw ;) and to the other friend thanks also <3 I've missed you~bigtime..

Will I write again? Y....e.....s haha LOL I'll do my best for you guys~

Thanks for reading my drama comeback ~ cheers!